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dorothy james

CHeck it out:
Bill's 44th Puppet BLok @ Dixon Place
7pm Dec. 13th get tix here
Untitled #2 "Dandelion" Album Release @ Dixon Place
7pm Dec. 13th get info here

Dorothy James is a Brooklyn based puppeteer, educator, and maker of tiny things.
She has puppeteered for Basil Twist, Wakka Wakka, Nick Lehane, Radio City, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, BBC, Amazon, and Apple TV+.
As a creator, Dorothy uses table top, shadow, rod, and paper cut puppetry to create otherworldly narratives that meld the grotesque with a sense of innocence.
She recently collaborated with banjoist Hilary Hawke, creating shadow imagery for her new concept album Open the Doors. Her paper cut stop-motion film "Lethologica" was an official selection of Chicago’s Big Teeth Small Shorts Film Festival and the Upstate NY Horror Festival.

Photo by Corinne Louie Photography

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